Sgt. Bleak

Sgt. Bleak

March 23, 2006 - David Bleak died on this day. He had worked his way up from janitor to "hot cell technician" (that's the guy in the nuclear power plants who handles the spent fuel rods). Bleak had emphysema and Parkinson's Disease, but it was complications from a hip fracture that eventually killed him.

Over 50 years earlier and a million miles away, Bleak was a young man fighting in the Korean War. His heroic and superhuman actions during hand-to-hand combat would earn him the Medal of Honor. It's probably the only Medal of Honor citation that includes the phrase, "smacked their heads together."

Sgt. Bleak, a member of the medical company, distinguished himself by conspicuous gallantry and indomitable courage above and beyond the call of duty in action against the enemy. As a medical aidman, he volunteered to accompany a reconnaissance patrol committed to engage the enemy and capture a prisoner for interrogation. Forging up the rugged slope of the key terrain, the group was subjected to intense automatic weapons and small arms fire and suffered several casualties. After administering to the wounded, he continued to advance with the patrol. Nearing the military crest of the hill, while attempting to cross the fire-swept area to attend the wounded, he came under hostile fire from a small group of the enemy concealed in a trench. Entering the trench he closed with the enemy, killed 2 with bare hands and a third with his trench knife. Moving from the emplacement, he saw a concussion grenade fall in front of a companion and, quickly shifting his position, shielded the man from the impact of the blast. Later, while ministering to the wounded, he was struck by a hostile bullet but, despite the wound, he undertook to evacuate a wounded comrade. As he moved down the hill with his heavy burden, he was attacked by 2 enemy soldiers with fixed bayonets. Closing with the aggressors, he grabbed them and smacked their heads together, then carried his helpless comrade down the hill to safety. Sgt. Bleak's dauntless courage and intrepid actions reflect utmost credit upon himself and are in keeping with the honored traditions of the military service.

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