The Longest Sneeze

The Longest Sneeze

January 13, 1981 - Today was the day that Donna Griffiths began a sneezing fit that would last for 3 years, a world record.

Donna was a 12-year-old English school girl when the attack began. For the first year she sneezed at least once a minute, but as time went on the interval increased to about 5 minutes between blasts.

The only relief came during deep phases of sleep, but upon waking the sneezes would return.

Finally, on September 16, 1983 (after 978 days), Donna had her first sneezeless day.

Sneeze Trivia: Did you know sneezes can come out at speeds of up to 100 miles per hour?

The word "Gesundheit" doesn't mean "God bless you" in German. It means "healthiness."

You can sometimes stave off a sneeze by tickling the roof of your mouth with your tongue and saying the word "pineapple."

If you need to help a sneeze along, look at a bright light.

Holding in a sneeze is not a good idea. The pressurized air can rupture eardrums and burst blood vessels in your eyes.

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